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So I'm terrible at charging mates rates. The thought of asking for cash from mates or fellow artists feels awkward. If it was up to me it would be free for all but that's silly as I spend a long time getting your pic just right, so just below we have put a range of prices you can pay depending on your financial ability. Thank you for choosing Rah Petherbridge as your photographer.
£500 £60 £100 £300
If money is an obstacle, as it often is with us artists, don't fret as I also exept trade & barter so please feel free to make an offer, I'll list of some past clients delightfull offerings...
* Day at London Zoo
* Dinner and a movie
* A famous face to photograph
* Theatre/ Gig tickets
* Classes from puppetry to yoga
* Artwork
* Tools and materials
* Organising my Studio/living space
* Doing my tax return
Latest projects
Susan Smith March 2012
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